EMI signal line filters
almost all flats the elevators (lifts) are essential. In high rise
buildings there are 2 or 3 or even more lifts. These lifts are major
source of electrical energy consumption. Why?
lifts remain idle for most of the time and it is used during peak hours
only like in morning from 6 am to 10 am and in evening from 5 pm to 9
pm. So out of 24 hours a lift is used mostly for 8 – 10 hours. Now the
problem is, in a lift there is always a fan and a light that stays on
continuously. Even if lift is not in used for longer period of time.
Although the ON/OFF switches for fan and light are already given, no
body turns it OFF. So the fan and light inside the lift stays ON
continuously and makes complete waste of electrical energy. Such a waste
of valuable electrical energy in this era is not at all desirable.
Today all most all the countries are putting their strong efforts to
save maximum electrical energy by all means. In India there is heavy
scarcity of conventional energy sources from which electricity is
produce. So saving electricity and thus these conventional energy
sources is must.
On this thought an
idea came into my mind that why not to add a kind of intelligence in
lift fan and light so that it remains ON till there is atleast one
person in the lift. And when lift is totally empty fan as well as light
automatically turns off. So there should be a kind of sensor in the lift
that senses person presence and automatically turns ON or OFF light and
fan inside it.
So here i am
presenting a simple circuit called smart DC fan that senses any person
near by and turns on. when there is no any person it turns off
automatically. Later on I have given one more circuit that is with a
small change in the same circuit so that it can switch on and off 230 V
AC light and fan at a time inside lift.

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